Our Services

There are many different services and activities available and it’s a great way to meet new friends and become involved with your community. Our helpful, friendly staff can help you decide which service may be right for you.

One-to-One Befriending

Our Befriending Service offers a much-needed lifeline to older people in North East Lincolnshire who are lonely and isolated. It is recognised that loneliness can have a serious effect on people’s physical and mental health and can lead to depression, lack of confidence, low self-esteem and the withdrawal from social groups and activities. Health Foundation […]

Telephone Befriending

Our telephone befriending service offers a regular phone call for those who prefer to chat over the phone rather than having a visitor at home. Members will receive a regular phone call from one of our volunteers, who will lend a friendly ear, offer reassurance or simply be there for a long chat! Many people […]

Social Clubs

Our weekly social clubs and activities are held in various locations around North East Lincolnshire and are for people aged 60 plus. They offer access to information, advice & support, and a variety of social activities to enjoy. Our clubs aim to to give older people somewhere to meet where they feel safe and valued and […]

Exercise Clubs

We all know that exercise is a vital part of staying healthy, active, and fit. Not only is it good for our physical health but it also has great benefits for improving our mental health and well-being too. Staying healthy doesn’t have to mean a strict regime of exercises either! Just by taking part in […]

Virtual Clubs / Activities

If you can’t get out to join our clubs and activities in person, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! We offer virtual zoom sessions that enable you to join in the fun of Bingo, quizzes, and games as well as the chance to connect with others for a chat. Our Chair based exercise group is […]

Day Trips

As a Friendship at Home member you will have access to various day trips that we offer throughout the year. We like to visit a variety of different locations from stately homes, mystery tours, garden centers and more. Day Trip to Woodhall Spa Day Trip to Brigg Garden Centre C.S.T Group at Nunnys Farm

Special Events

We want to make you feel included as often as possible! Holidays can be some of the loneliest times of the year, especially for older people, so Friendship at Home hold an annual Summer party and Christmas party that all members have the opportunity to attend. These events are always full of fun and laughter and […]

Hospital Discharge Support

Did you know Friendship at Home supports patients to get settled back in their own home once they are ready to be discharged from hospital. We will also provide a free wellbeing check within 7 days. Give us a call 602500 to find out more.  More details below…..

Wellbeing Check

Friendship at home can carry out a free wellbeing check with you if you are worried or need advice about any of the issues bellow, we will help you to identify any concerns you have and can connect you to the services that can help What we can help with: Managing your money. Finding a […]

IT Support / Tablet Loan

Friendship at Home are offering a great opportunity to learn new skills, get online and access the digital world with our free tablet loan scheme. Easy to use and fun to learn, it can open up a whole new world to socialize and connect with others. Friendship at Home have a bespoke app which allows […]


Friendship at Home provide many services and can offer advice on a variety of topics, however if we are unable to help with your request we will always signpost  to a relevant organisation.

Leaflets and Newsletters

Please find all out latest leaflets and documents for download or viewing.

Friendship at Home’s Hospital Discharge Service

Our FREE Hospital Discharge Service enables us to help people get home after a stay in hospital and get settled back in, making sure they have everything they need to be comfortable.For more information please call the office on 01472 602500 🙂

Closure of Dementia Services with Friendship at Home.

Friendship at Home are very sad to announce the closure of our Dementia service, due to funding coming to an end. Friendship at Home will continue to provide all other services such as befriending, social activities and wellbeing checks. If you are accessing any of these services, do not worry, you do not need to […]

Data Protection and Data Retention Policy

Friendship at Home provides many services and can offer a variety of advice and support for our Members, Staff and other organisations. Our Data Protection and Data Retention Policy and Procedures ensure Friendship at Home complies with all aspects of Data Protection Laws, including the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulations […]

Get Up Get Dressed Get Moving

From January 1st 2025 Friendship at Home can now support you when you are in hospital too! The  Get up, Get dressed, Get moving programme is designed for patients who have been hospitalised for long periods of time. It is very important for patients to keep their muscles and joints active. The programme works alongside […]