Volunteer Award’s Evening 2017
In June we said thank you to our volunteers with a meal and an awards evening. Each of them make what we do possible and we are so grateful for their ongoing support and hard work.
In June we said thank you to our volunteers with a meal and an awards evening. Each of them make what we do possible and we are so grateful for their ongoing support and hard work.
Our 2017 Annual General Meeting is now available to view here: 1 AGM Report 2017 - Final In order to open the file, you will need to have Adobe Reader installed. You can download the program here: get.adobe.com/uk/
You may recall that Alice from the Nicest Job in Britain recently spent a week with us at Friendship at Horne. She has now taken on an Isolation Week Challenge, a week living by herself, no mobile phone, and not going out. All to raise Awareness of Loneliness and Isolation…
To view our March 2017 Newsletter click here: NEWS 2017 MARCH If you wish to place an advert or have an article you wish to share in the next publication, please contact us on either admin@friendshipathome.org.uk or 01472 602500 In order to open the file, you will need to have Adobe Reader…
Compass FM Community Awards 2016 Compass FM held their annual Compass Community Awards on Wednesday 9th November. Two of our fantastic volunteers were nominated for the award for all of their help and support they provide Friendship at Home. Joan Wright and Jimmy Charlton were Friendship at Home’s Nominees…
Friendship at Home is hosting their annual Christmas Party on the 14th of December, All of our members, volunteers, trustees and staff are welcome! Tickets are just £5 and can be brought at any of our Social Clubs, through our volunteers and through our office. There will be music, a photo…
Our latest newsletter is now available to view! September Newsletter 2016 In order to open the file, you will need to have Adobe Reader installed. You can download the program here: get.adobe.com/uk/