Later Life Partnership NEL
Friendship at Home joined forces with two older people charities within North East Lincolnshire – Age Uk and Carelink – to form the Later Life Partnership.
Friendship at Home joined forces with two older people charities within North East Lincolnshire – Age Uk and Carelink – to form the Later Life Partnership.
The aim of Friendship at Home, AgeUk and Carelink coming together is to share our resources, skills and knowledge of older people and the local landscape and use this to reach more older people who would benefit from local help and support. By reaching more older people, we can become aware of emerging needs and concerns in the community and work with the local authority and others to channel support where it is needed.
Between us, as part of the Later Life Partnership, we are aiming to ensure that all people over the age of 60 are receiving all of their full benefit entitlements.
Do you know that a high percentage of older people living within North East Lincolnshire are not claiming their full entitlements to Attendance Allowance, Council Tax and Housing Costs and Pension Credits?
Are you one of them? Don’t be!
Why don’t you have a full benefit entitlement check done with a trained advisor to check you are getting everything you are entitled to …. it doesn’t take long.
Don’t miss out… especially with the current rising costs of living and fuel bills. Give us a call today on 01472 602500 to arrange for an advisor to call you back to discuss it further. It really is as easy as that.