From January 1st 2025 Friendship at Home can now support you when you are in hospital too!
The Get up, Get dressed, Get moving programme is designed for patients who have been hospitalised for long periods of time.
It is very important for patients to keep their muscles and joints active.
The programme works alongside the physiotherapists to maximise efficiency to prevent deconditioning.
Deconditioning is the deterioration of the human body due to immobility, as a result, it can affect physical function, muscle strength and overall fitness, that can occur as a result of prolonged immobility during hospitalisation.
For every 3-5 weeks of bed rest will result in 50% loss of muscle strength,then a further 12% of every week.
The aim is to encourage the patients who are able to mobilise, to do either chair based or bed exercises .
Encourage them to get dressed if they have their own clothes rather than hospital gowns.
Some patients are obviously unable to participate in the exercise programme, but will enjoy and benefit from social intervention, and playing games, this will stimulate their minds, relieve boredom and help with depression .